It was a frustrating time for both of us. But, this is why we did not want people staying with us. We need to get through this stuff on our own.
As I sat on the floor of Magdalene's room, fretting over trying to determine what was wrong, Melissa came in and sat beside me. Eventually I passed Maggie over to Liss and she held her for a few minutes. I noticed soon enough that tears began to stream down Melissa's face. As she looked at Maggie she said, "I just love her so much. I just want to fix whatever is wrong." There it was. A taste of the Divine.
I believe that God looks at us at times, with tears in His eyes and says, "I just love you so much. I just want to fix whatever is wrong." The love that God has for us will never be comprehended. it is too great. In the same way, Magdalene will never know how much we love her. It is too great.
As Melissa said these things, Magdalene's crying slowed down and soon stopped altogether. I like to think that she felt her mother's love at that moment. When we are in pain...when we are crying out...when we need love...do we feel the love of God?
Here is the good news. In our relationship with God, we have an advantage over Maggie's relationship with her parents. We can tell God what is wrong. We can hand over the reigns to our pain, our sorrow, and our heartache and allow God to heal. He desires to fix us...we just have to let Him.
Becoming a parent has truly opened my eyes to the love of God in a new and fresh way. Without hesitating...without pause...without thinking twice...I would die for that little girl. It is interesting how Christ felt the same way about us.